The Patient Care Board line of healthcare communication boards was developed out of an ever-increasing emphasis on patient safety. All of our boards are patented and field-tested and are installed in academic medical centers, acute care hospitals, surgery centers, and long-term care facilities.
The newest board in our collection is the Compliance Board. This communication board was developed to reduce risk and improve regulatory compliance in hospitals and health care facilities.
Compliance Boards are an important communication tool as they are suited to eliminate “never events” and reduce the occurrence of hospital-acquired conditions. Developed with the help of leaders in patient safety, Compliance Boards include checklists that can play a vital role in avoiding wrong-site surgery, mislabeled or lost specimens, and retained foreign bodies. Compliance Boards by Patient Care Boards are an indispensable tool to facilitate effective communication among members of the surgical team and reinforce adherence to best practices.
All of our boards can be customized in both appearance and content to suit your unique needs and are easy to redesign when standards or patient care initiatives change or new best practices are learned. Important guidelines, such as the World Health Organization’s Surgical Safety Checklist can be part of any custom board. The checklist has contributed to significant reductions in complication and death rates in diverse hospitals and settings and with improvements in compliance to basic standards of care.
The Compliance Boards are a low-tech solution that yields consistent results. Dry-erase technology allows for critical patient-specific information to be added to the pre-printed graphics field on a high-quality plex-glass cover. These enhanced visual cues provide “at-a-glance” precautionary reminders regarding proper procedures.
Customizing your Compliance Boards means you dictate the content with the help of our designers. The end result is an affordable, attractive, and efficient addition to your patient safety strategies.
Complete our inquiry form in 5-minutes or less to tell us a little about your project. Our team of specialists will review your requirements and contact you to discuss all of the details. No payment is due until your order goes into production. We ensure your boards are produced exactly as you need them.